

Build your own botnet project : build for people who wanna hijack peoples computers and control them with over 300 features



Client Generator (Build Your Own Botnet)

💥 usage:

            [-h] [-v] [--name NAME] [--icon ICON] [--pastebin API]
            [--encrypt] [--obfuscate] [--compress] [--freeze]
            host port [module [module ...]] ## # 🏴‍☠️ Generator (Build Your Own Botnet) ## ## 💥 Positional arguments: ##    ⚡️ host            server IP address    ⚡️ port            server port number    ⚡️ module          module(s) to remotely import at run-time ## ## 💥 Optional arguments : ### ⚡️   -h, --help      
show this help message and exit ### ⚡️   -v, --version   
show program's version number and exit ### ⚡️   --name NAME     
output file name ### ⚡️   --icon ICON     
icon image file name ### ⚡️   --pastebin API 
upload & host payload on pastebin ### ⚡️   --encrypt     
encrypt payload and embed key in stager ### ⚡️   --compress     
zip-compress into a self-executing python script ### ⚡️   --freeze      
compile client into a standalone executable for the current host platform ## ## 🏴‍☠️ Generate clients with the following features :

⚡️ - Zero Dependencies

    stager runs with just the python standard library

⚡️ - Remote Imports

    remotely import third-party packages from
    the server without downloading/installing them

⚡️ - In-Memory Execution Guidline

    clients never write anything to the disk,
    not even temporary files - zero IO system calls.
    remote imports allow code/scripts/modules to
    be dynamically loaded into memory and directly
    imported into the currently running process

⚡️ - Add Your Own Scripts

    every python script, module, and package in the
    `remote` directory is directl usable by every
    client at all times while the server is running

⚡️ - Unlimited Modules Without Bloating File Size

    use remote imports to add unlimited features without
    adding a single byte to the client's file size

⚡️ - Updatable

    client periodically checks the content available
    for remote import from the server, and will
    dynamically update its in-memory resources
    if anything has been added/removed

⚡️ - Platform Independent

    compatible with PyInstaller and package is authored
    in Python, a platform agnostic language

⚡️ - Bypass Firewall

    connects to server via outgoing connections
    (i.e. reverse TCP payloads) which most firewall
    filters allow by default k

⚡️ - Evade Antivirus

    blocks any spawning process
    with names of known antivirus products

⚡️ - Prevent Analysis

    main client payload encrypted with a random
    256-bit key and is only

⚡️ - Avoid Detection

    client will abort execution if a virtual machine
    or sandbox is detected # # 🏴‍☠️ SERVER   Console-based command & control server with a streamlined user-interface for controlling clients   with reverse TCP shells which provide direct terminal access to the client host machines, as well   as handling session authentication & management, serving up any scripts/modules/packages requested   by clients to remotely import them, issuing tasks assigned by the user to any/all clients, handling   incoming completed tasks from clients ## ## 💥 COMMANDS

### ⚡️ set ‘method’: self.set, ‘usage’: ‘set [option=value]', 'description': 'change the value of a setting'

### ⚡️ help ‘method’:, ‘usage’: ‘help’, ‘description’: ‘show usage help for server commands’

### ⚡️ exit ‘method’: self.quit, ‘usage’: ‘exit’, ‘description’: ‘quit the server’

### ⚡️ debug ‘method’: self.debug, ‘usage’: ‘debug ', 'description': 'run python code directly on server (debugging MUST be enabled)'

### ⚡️ query ‘method’: self.query, ‘usage’: ‘query ', 'description': 'query the SQLite database'

### ⚡️ options ‘method’: self.settings, ‘usage’: ‘options’, ‘description’: ‘show currently configured settings’

### ⚡️ sessions ‘method’: self.session_list, ‘usage’: ‘sessions’, ‘description’: ‘show active client sessions’

### ⚡️ clients ‘method’: self.session_list, ‘usage’: ‘clients’, ‘description’: ‘show all clients that have joined the server’

### ⚡️ shell ‘method’: self.session_shell, ‘usage’: ‘shell ', 'description': 'interact with a client with a reverse TCP shell through an active session'

### ⚡️ ransom ‘method’: self.session_ransom, ‘usage’: ‘ransom [id]’, ‘description’: ‘encrypt client files & ransom encryption key for a Bitcoin payment’

### ⚡️ webcam ‘method’: self.session_webcam, ‘usage’: ‘webcam ', 'description': 'capture image/video from the webcam of a client device'

### ⚡️ kill ‘method’: self.session_remove’ ‘usage’: ‘kill ', 'description': 'end a session ### ⚡️ bg 'method': self.session_background, 'usage': 'bg [id]', 'description': 'background a session (default: the current session)'

### ⚡️ broadcast ‘method’: self.task_broadcast, ‘usage’: ‘broadcast ’, ‘description’: ‘broadcast a task to all active sessions’

### ⚡️ results ‘method’: self.task_list, ‘usage’: ‘results [id]’, ‘description’: ‘display all completed task results for a client (default: all clients)’

### ⚡️ tasks ‘method’: self.task_list, ‘usage’: ‘tasks [id]’, ‘description’: ‘display all incomplete tasks for a client (default: all clients)’